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外教推荐Super Simple Songs语速慢超简单儿歌视频6CD+3DVD送歌词
- 适用年龄:2岁3岁4岁5岁6岁7岁

- 单笔订单满120,包邮,(不包邮地区:内蒙古,海南,贵州,云南,西藏,陕西,甘肃,青海,宁夏,新疆,台湾,香港,澳门,海外)
- 单笔订单满200,送迪士尼光盘包,包邮,减后满200包邮,(不包邮地区:内蒙古,海南,贵州,西藏,陕西,甘肃,青海,宁夏,新疆,台湾,香港,澳门,海外)
商品介绍内容文字来自网络,仅供参考,具体内容欢迎咨询 此宝贝与实体店同步销售,购买前务必与卖家确认后再付款,没有与卖家就付款的订单均不发货,由于商品涉及到调货备货及检验后才能发货,所以不接急件,谢谢合作。更多说明参考买家必读或向店主咨询!本店已加入消费者保障服务,保证质量和效果,让您买的放心,宝宝看的开心,只有我最贴心!
本套光盘包括以下内容 也可选择购买单张哦
CD1:Super Simple Songs 1
CD2:Super Simple Songs 2
CD3:Super Simple Songs 3
CD4:Super Simple :Christmas Songs 圣诞
CD5:Super Simple Songs:Halloween 万圣节
CD6:Super Simple Songs:Phonics 自然拼读
赠送歌词教学指导+闪卡(彩色清晰可打印) +练习册+涂色等 发qq邮箱
Super Simple Songs 是家长首选的英语童谣专辑,更是是美语老师自我投资的必备童谣
十分适合。让孩子唱唱跳跳,快乐学美语 。真的是“super simple”,這個的專輯更有
Super Simple Song的創作者Devon Thagard和另外兩位老師都從事英語教學,在補習班
、作詞,就為自己的教學量身訂做了許多首歌曲。後來成立了super simple learning公
司,推出Super Simple Songs專輯,大受歡迎!這些歌曲是為了初學英文和非英語系國
家的孩子所寫,在教學上大受老師們的歡迎。我想會讓老師們對於Super Simple Song愛
Super Simple Songs Three is, you guessed it, the third CD in the award-
winning Super Simple Songs series.More new songs and old favorites made
SIMPLE for young learners. Includes "Learn It" and "Play With It" versions of
Bingo, Rain Rain Go Away, and Old McDonald, and some great new songs for
learning basic concepts such as family words, opposites, the months of the
year, and more!
01.Knock Knock Hello
02.Make A Circle
03.Seven Steps
04.One Little Finger
05.Walking Walking
06.Are You Hungry
07.Clean Up
08.If You're Happy
09.Days Of The Week
10.I See Something Blue
11.Head Shoulders Knees And Toes (Let's Learn)
12.Head Shoulders Knees And Toes (Let's Sing)
13.Ten In The Bed
14.The Bath Song
15.Five Little Monkeys
16.The Alphabet Song (Lets Learn)
17.The Alphabet Song (Lets Sing)
18.I See Something Pink
19.Go Away
20.What Do You Want For Christmas
21.Put On Your Shoes
22.See You Later
23.Please Sit Down And Storytime Music
24.Sweet Dreams (Goodnight Song)
25.Lullaby Medley
01.Count and Move
03.Hows the Weather
04.One Potato Two Potatoes
05.Eeney Meeney Miney Moe
06.The Eensey Weensey Spider
07.Rock Scissors Paper Fingerplay 1
08.Who Took the Cookie
09.The Wheels on the Bus (Learn It)
10.The Wheels on the Bus (Sing It)
12.The Shape Song 1
13.Counting Bananas
14.The Hokey Pokey Shake (Learn It)
15.The Hokey Pokey Shake (Sing It)
16.Rock Scissors Paper Fingerplay 2
17.The Shape Song 2
18.Mystery Box
19.Hide and Seek
20.See You Later Alligator
21.Rock Scissors Paper Play (Circletime Version)
22.Who Took the Cookie (Circletime Version)
23.Lullaby Medley
02.Hello Hello
03.Open Shut Them and Other Opposites
04.BINGO (Learn It)
05.BINGO (Play With It)
06.We All Fall Down
07.Rain Rain Go Away (Learn It)
08.Rain Rain Go Away (Play With It)
09.Old McDonald (Learn It)
10.Old Mc Donald (Play With It)
11.Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream
12.The Pinocchio
13.Five Little Pumpkins
15.Happy Birthday (How Old Are You Today)
16.Say Cheese (Lets Take a Picture)
17.The Alphabet Chant
18.The Months Chant
19.Bye Bye Goodbye
20.Hello Hello (Classroom Version)
21.Open Shut Them (Classroom Version)
22.Do You Like Brocolli Ice Cream (Classroom Version)
23.Bye Bye Goodbye (Classroom Version)
24.Lullaby Medley
Super Simple Songs - Christmas CD 送歌词
01.Hello, Reindeer
02.Jingle Bells
03.Decorate The Christmas Tree
04.Santa's On His Way
05.I'm A Little Snow man
06.Jingle Jingle Little Bell
07.We Wish You A Merry Christmas
(咨询特价) Little Elves
10.Santa, Where Are You@
11.Little Snowflake
12.Goodbye, Snow man
Super Simple ABCs - Phonics Fun 自然拼读 送电子版练习册
36 songs and chants + instrumental sing-along versions! CD with lyric booklet. Running
Time: 51 minutes
Super Simple ABCs Phonics Fun introduces young learners to the alphabet in a super fun,
super simple way. The CD features an ABC hello and goodbye song, simple versions of the
alphabet song and the Phonics Alphabet Song, 26 songs introducing the sounds of all the
letters of the alphabet, and review songs and chants. These are songs and chants young
learners will be able to sing along with right away.
The CD was designed to work well in support of the Super Simple ABCs Upper Case and Lower
Case books. It also works great as a supplement to any ABC/phonics program, or on its own!
01.Hello A, Hello Z
02.The Super Simple Alphabet Song
03.The Phonics Alphabet Song
04.The A Song
06.The C Song
10.The F Song
13.A-I Review Chant
14.A-I Review Song
15.The J Song
23.The R Song
30.The W Song
36.Goodbye A, Goodbye Z
Super Simple Songs - Halloween 万圣节
01. Hello, My Friends
02. Knock Knock, Trick Or Treat@
03. This Is The Way We Carve A Pumpkin
04. Can You Make A Happy Face@
05. Go Away, Spooky Goblin!
06. Five Creepy Spiders
07. Give Me Something Good To Eat
08. One For You, One For Me
09. The Skeleton Dance
10. Who Took The Candy@
11. Knock, Knock, Trick Or Treat@ (Part 2)
12. Goodbye, My Friends
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